WHAT? PLKN ?! #episode 3

Hai... Holaa. and much miss to all of you. Woo. I think ni dah episode 3 . haha. Ok. dreaming like drama ? *smile* I don't know why i too happy typig this post. haha . Maybe last episode. ? Maybe i was bored ? Maybe i miss blogging so much ? lol. So, just straight to the point. Siapa tertinggal episode 1 dan 2 ? klik dibawah ini

Episode 1
Episode 2

so.let me continue the super duper great activities n PLKN


Haa. like seriously, when our KJ announced for Khidmat Komuniti..i am sure all the pelatih will have fun all the day. Thats not because of activities kott. but the main thing .... Dapat keluar daripada kem yang azab macam hampeh . haha. Tapi, takda la azab sangat pungg. Physco lebih je ! *nyampah nyah ! *

Usually, khidmat komuniti ni more to berkhidmat untuk masyarakat la. HAHA. lol. Tiada bayaran mahupun upah dan seumpamanya. ikhlas ok. haha
First place yang kiteorg visit ialah


then yang terkhir sekali


tadaaaa.. weoll tengah main puzzle game with them. Like seriously they are really fun and enjoy. And most thing is they are cool !

They are playing music chairs. For sure all the pelatih kalahla kann. Kalau pelatih menang..sumpah korang takda perasaan mengalah dkt mereka yg istimewa ni

ni pula adik haiqal. OMG. sumpah comel. He is 5 years old. And yang paling sentap dekat jiwa when he sing lagu ibu. Maigod.. like seriously nak menangis. Sangat tersentuh ok. 

Persembahan daripada penghuni rumah kanak-kanak istimewa. They dance gracefully..and feel like there no sadness in life. ..and they no they will b happy forever with their life.. *Peace*

All the pelatih khusyuk gila tengok persembahan mereka. HAHA. 

Rasanya, ni di Felda Semenchu. heh? We are having gotong-royong.

After tiredly with gotong royong, there are some games for us. one of them.. Tangkap ayam. or kajar ayam. hah. someting like that. Ok this was fun actually. First time rasa suasana kampung . Wuuu. best gilaa. Untungla siapa yang ada kampung. not like me. i dont have kampung. So..sangat *jakun* heee.

see. all the tension has been released out ! We feel like young forever like seriously *haha* 

See. they really enjoy with khidmat komuniti. so. siapa cakap PLKN tak best. *rugi-rugi*

Sometimes, aku terfikir.. why i need to join this Khidmat.. but now.. i know the answer...

When we start join.. uolls akan rasa satu benda.. SYUKUR. like seriously.. sometimes, in life.. we never noticed how great our life than others. Most thought bout lifeless.. but then.. you know what.. there are more people outside there are going to be lifeless..but they are totally strong enough.. So, since that, i realized that Life teach us the meaning of life / heh? lol. So. watchouut


See. PLKN pun ada aktiviti air. tapi.. macam dah moden sikit. weolls dah tak main dah air-air dekat sungai or laut bagai tu. Zaman moden ni main dekat kolam renang. HAHA. ok. sangat tak advanture. Setakat kolam renang.. i think.. hampir every weekends aku berenang dekat kolam di rumah.. maigod. Tapi..ok laa. baru style kan. *haha* 

For sure boys and girls mestilah asingkan. HAHA. so, here are some activities. alaa. just a simple movement je pun. haihh. takpelaa. yang penting dapat main air. *jakunn*

tadaa. i guess ni tips keselamatan. maybe ? HHA. we need to use safety jacket. maigod. like S-K-E-M-A. haha. k.

This also. however.. they feel like heaven right ? heewwheeww

A simple taklimat before the consultant start the class.

Apa yang penting. berani. i mean confident level laa. Because some of the pelatih ada yang takut air. Me donnt know what has happened to them. But then, tak ada yang bermakna melainkan u speend all the time dekat kolam ni.. laughing like crazy.. enjoy with friends.. and thats was a best memories in life :)


Please dont ask me what is kembara halangan. Cause thats was hard to explain about this.Tapi best. Haha/ Menyanyah kan ? *whatever*
Based on my opinion. Kembara halangan ni more to kerjasama with our company kot. besides.. build up self confidence..dan cara berfikir to solve something or situations.

I can't remember what we called this activities. Tpi, weolls. kena naik tembok tu. and jalan..and langkah lobang kecik tu. HAHA. ok. ayat aku pelik je ?
First impression aku, *hekelehh. tak ada la tinggi sangat* haha. serius. tak tipu. but then.. bila dah start nak naik je. woooo. aku rasa macam berhangin-hangin je dekat badan. HAHAHAHA. *hamik kau* thats true.. dont judge a book by its cover. since korang panjat.. baru rasa ok.. aku rasa.semua pelatih mestirasa mcm apa yang aku rasa.*ayat kheeling*

yeahh. i love this . we called monkey bar . I really like this activities.. sebab ? sebab aku selalu main dekat taman permainan. HHA.*tutup muka malu*
tapi. monkey bar ni takda la macam anak-anak punyaa. panjang wooo nak ke seberang . me likee WOO. First aku jatuh ok. JATUH. repeat again.. jatuuuuhhhhh. *bukkk* then.. aku geram gila. aku try kali kedua. *and im sucess like Yeppyyy*Tapi.. tangan melecet and merah macam kena air panas. and me like wuuuuu. sakit wok. -.-

ni. mmg mcm monyet. ok. fine. motif gmbar ni. ..cikgu zul bapak angkat yang tak berapa macam angkat. dh fullstop. haha k

hah.. aku menci aktiviti ni. like we need to crawling like turtle. heeww. ok la. setakat nak cium pasir tu. mmg best lakan -.- Yang penting experienced cium pasir..like heaven. :(

yesss. nak buat flying fox beribu kali boleh ? HHAH. im addicted with this activities.
first mmg la rasa macam aknak buat. tapi. rugi-rugi. HAHA. however. kelur PLKN ni mmg aku nk join club flying fox. *hemmohemmo*

Haha. ini activity kapal tenggelam heh? maigod. tak hingat. tapi yang penting..i terjatuh ok aktiviti ni.. seems like all my company hempap at me. and my head terkena batu. maigod. seriously sakit ok. but then.. i think.. otak masih center lagi hahahahah

lalalaala. aktiviti ni simple sangat okeh. *bukan nak berlagak*

ni pun simple jee. haha. takat jambatan goyang-goyang*im not goin to show off*

yeeeaahhhoo. panjat tembok. HAHAh. ni macam susah sikit sebab ? sebab aku pendek ? huaaa. nak nangis aku rasa. like seriously. HAHA

ini pula terowong yang sangat annoying. grrr.
ada ke patut koperal suruh buat bunyii *hmmmbeeeekk* sepanjang lalu terowong tu. :(  sad life betul macam hapee. Tapi fun ok ! HAHA

So.. aktiviti kembara halangan ni more to challenge yourself. Sometimes, i think kita kena be prepared well on whatever yang akan berlaku. Simple.. in life.. kita tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku esok kan ? so. standby with mentl n fizikal. heh? HAHAH

ok. i think mcm cukup-cukup laaa for this entry. I will post another entry about wirajaya. Challooobetehh byee. much muahh from me :* muaahhh. hellyeahh. heee. daaaa *lambai tangan*

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